As you will be aware, the Coronavirus situation is being monitored by the Government and we are regularly checking updates from Government, Public Health England (PHE), Department for Education (DfE) and other sources. We will be updating our policies regularly here on site to ensure we are in line with current Government policies.
To reduce the risk of infection, the advice at present is to take the precautionary measures to reduce the spread of viral infection. As a result, we are asking all IFQ Faculty/Staff/Students and Clients to implement the following guidelines for all training courses/events/private sessions, for themselves and individuals:
1. Ask anyone who feels unwell to stay at home and not attend the course (this will be done by the IFQ office also)
2. Wash hands often – with soap and water or use alcohol sanitiser if hand washing facilities are not available. This is particularly important after taking public transport. (Use an alcohol-based hand sanitiser that contains at least 60% alcohol if soap and water are not available)
3. You and individuals must cover your coughs or sneezes with a tissue, then throw the tissue in a bin. (See Catch it, Bin it, Kill it)
4. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands
5. Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces
6. If you are worried about the symptoms of an individual please isolate the individual from others (at least 2 meters away), and from yourself, in-consultation with the course providers, and ask the individual to call NHS 111 for guidance. Do not take the individual directly to the GP or other healthcare environment.
7. If you are worried about the symptoms in yourself, please isolate yourself from others as above, let the IFQ office know and call NHS 111 for guidance. Do not go directly to the GP or other healthcare environment If you have any other questions, please contact the IFQ faculty for guidance.
Specific concerns:
Please familiarise yourself with the general symptoms of COVID-19. Information can be found at a number of Public Health England and Government sites including information-for- the-public
1. If you or any family member has close contact with an individual who has a confirmed diagnosis of COVID- 19 or if you have recently travelled from a Category 1 or Category 2 country or region you must follow government advice on self-isolation appropriate to your case.
2. Please let the IFQ office know as soon as possible that you are unable to attend IFQ training sites.
3. IFQ are committed to provide continuity of training as planned, and we are looking at other delivery options as a contingency. For example; online study/presentation training options, live video demos, along with postponement of the EFHD and EFPT student practice components. Any postponement contingency plans will only be put in place if absolutely necessary and as required to be in accordance PHE guidance.