Below are testimonials about the course. For quotes about the faculty, please click here.

“It is a highly professional, evidence based and rigorous program with the right blend of experiential and theory. Highest standard of faculty with depth of experience, academic background and wisdom.

It is a transformational program both for the facilitators that undertake it and for the work that they will take out to the wider personal and business community.”

“It has been a fantastic and huge learning experience for me on a number of levels. Academically it has been a push to get my head in gear after 30 years. From a personal development perspective I have certainly had my window of tolerance challenged and enlarged. It has been fascinating learning about the practical and spiritual aspects of the IFEEL methodology. Although at times a challenging process it has been a rewarding experience.”

“The training should be a pre-requisite for anyone entering into the field of counseling and therapy. This program did not only give me a certificate in EFL, it did not just give me a professional accreditation to practicing a life’s dream; it taught me how to do it, all the while discovering the person buried under layers of life’s circumstances.

More so, I did not expect to have my counseling practice so enriched and deepened when I signed up to IFEEL. Much to my surprise, this course has challenged me to understand not only the neuroscience behind the human being and understand it’s formation but to really search beyond what current medical and psychiatric practices to why and what led individuals to where they are today, to understanding human development, to understanding the neuroscience behind human struggle with interpersonal and intrapersonal dynamics and affect and how to help people work past all that. It added an area to my work that was under developed, at least explicitly for me, was the importance of resourcing the person.

Interestingly, one of my colleagues stated: “it is a shame this course does not come with a Master’s degree for the areas in which your addictions counseling degree lacked, what you needed to further develop you as a therapist you achieved on such an embodied level through this course. Not only did you come back with a well of theoretical information about the development of the human mind body and spirit but with an added edge of neuroscience and understanding of complex trauma, you actually experienced the learning on a bodily level.”

“The focus on the emotional security of the horses, clients and facilitators at all times is paramount and this is one of many factors that sets the IFEEL Q training programme apart from others I researched, also huge importance is put on scope of practise and supervision and I have felt totally supported all the way through my first year, both by my wonderful mentor and indeed all of the team.

There is on-going evidence based research into the regulated accredited methodology which seeks to constantly improve the work that is done here.

The whole faculty are enthusiastic, supportive and incredibly knowledgeable; each bringing wisdom from their own particular field of expertise making the sum of the whole a completely rewarding experience.

This course for me has been the perfect balance of equine ethology, psychotherapy, in depth neuroscience and that touch of magic that defies description that the horses bring in varying forms to each and every session. I have been on a journey not just of learning more about this incredible field but of huge personal growth in a very safe held environment.

I cannot recommend IFEEL Q highly enough for those who are serious about equine facilitated human development & I feel very blessed to be on my journey with IFEEL and cannot wait to continue deepening my studies here next year.”

“Year 2 contains an astonishing level and depth of concepts and perspectives that compliment year 1 and has helped to concrete my level of understanding. The hard work, thought, research and preparation shows a genuine love for this work and a desire to standardize and formalize the qualification into something tangible, worthy of credit and international recognition. I’m very proud to be an IFEEL student and hope I can do the qualification and organisation proud.”

“Timing is very well thought out, the teaching format of exercises is done in such an order that makes it all easier to take in and process, so when it is all put together, it comes together well. Although a lot of information to take in and process, the mix of teachings and skill of instructors is such that breaks are given at appropriate times and the use of horsemanship skills after a morning of theory is just at the right point in the week.”

“The programme was excellent, adaptive to the needs and pace of the participants, balanced and well-paced with a good mix of discovery learning, mental models and emotional processing. The facilitators were actively present and created a wonderful containment field for our learning and development which allowed me to go deeply into my current critical issues and make a transformational shift through the programme.”

“The overriding feeling and the most important one is that I feel completely safe with all of the teachers that I worked with. Because this work can be very difficult personally, that is of the utmost importance. In order to succeed, I have to feel safe and I do. The IFEEL facilitators that I am working with on this course are people with integrity that inspire trust and live what they teach. What more could I possibly ask?”

“The value for me is that it’s proving life changing and enhancing every area of my work and relationships and I feel proud to say the IFEEL name when talking to anyone about the work”

“I feel that I have been given the best tools to guide me into the field of equine facilitated learning and after completing week 1 has given me the confidence to further pursue my studies as a facilitator!”

“I am extremely impressed and inspired by the teaching and support I have received in week one. It is inclusive, as well as encouraging me to find my own style, and pursue my own avenues which I believe will add value to my skills as a facilitator. The Facilitator Training Programme is invaluable.”

“All I can say is thanks for the transformation it offered, the growth and bonding it allowed me to achieve both with myself and the rest of peer group and faculty who I not only connected with but felt extremely nurtured and held during the process and sent off into the world to “BE”.”

“I couldn’t fault it, the week allowed me to learn theory, experience the horse dimension whilst working through my own personal development. It was an information packed week that I thoroughly enjoyed.”

“Just perfect, I keep thinking it can’t be any more interesting and intriguing but it always is. The breaks and changes in subjects / didactic / experiential means I rarely feel tired or bored, but usually interested and awake!”

“Absolutely perfect, the experiential exercises balanced the class work and kept my brain, body & spirit ticking and absorbing. I do not yet know the true value for my future clients but purely based on my own growth experiences I hope it will be as ground breaking and inspirational for them as it has been for me so far.”

“This training has come along at the right time of my life and has inspired me to take the brave step of altering the course of my journey through life. I appreciate so much being with like minded people and am blessed with the chance to combine my two passions in life, horses and therapy. Thank you so much for allowing me on the course.”

“It exceeded my expectations, and having done a lot of learning in various settings, I was very satisfied at the end of the week, and don’t think I could have learnt any more than I did, or learnt anything in a better way than it was presented. Having such a good mix of staff in the faculty was very inspiring.”

“A very well structured program, high level of skill and instruction has helped me to grow further than I could have imagined. A safe, secure and supportive environment allows for optimum learning. This program is structured and taught in such a way, that I don’t feel that I have been in a classroom environment, but yet have learnt so much more than I was conscious of, and ever thought possible in just 5 days.”

“As a ‘unit’ the faculty held the sacred space of the week and allowed, in a generous and seeking way, all the students (I believe?) to discover and explore, as needed, the content presented. There was a palpable earnestness and conscientiousness about the course being delivered well. I could see the dynamic nature of the unfolding week being held by a faculty fully committed to providing the best opportunities for the students to learn. It’s just great to know my new business will be built on a firm foundation of psychological, practical and mentored knowledge gives me such reassurance and the courage to go for it!! I really believe in this work and the IFEEL methodology and framework will give me the language and skills to help others.”

“It’s hard to think how this programme could be improved! I have been hugely impressed with every aspect of it from Day 1 and have such respect, warmth and love for the facilitators, the herd and my fellow Horseome Tribe members. Their compassion and wise and loving presence is tangible. It’s hard to put into words how much this programme and all those involved have already benefited me and changed my life. I can only hope that eventually I go on to share all the love, knowledge and wisdom I feel and am learning with my willing and warm heart, so that others can feel the same.”