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Human Equine Interactions Service Evaluation of the impact of the IFEEL Method of Equine Facilitated Pyschotraumatology (EFPT) intervention using the Clinical Outcome in Routine Evaluation Outcome Measure (CORE – OM)

Human Equine Interactions Service Evaluation – The IFEEL Method 

The use of horses within human mental health services has occurred since the 1950s (Wang et al, 2015). Equine human interventions are increasing in popularity within human counselling and behavioural development programmes. However, despite this, few evidence based studies evaluating the impact of these studies on their human participants exist.

RESEARCH AIM – To measure the impact of the IFEEL Method 3-day EFPT programme on participants’ psychological health using an established tool: the Clinical Outcomes in Routine Evaluation Outcome Measure (CORE-OM) (Evans et al, 2000)

  • Research Aim
  • Methodology
  • CORE – OM
  • Main Findings
  • Conclusions and Implications

Findings Published By

Published By

Jane M Williams
Jane M WilliamsHartpury University
Jane has taught within Higher Education across animal, equine and veterinary fields. She is a qualified veterinary nurse and gained her Masters in Equine Science before completing her doctorate exploring the application of surface electromyography (EMG) as a tool to assess muscle adaptation during training in racehorses and sport horses.
Sun Meyer
Sun MeyerCEO & Programme Director (Co-creator The IFEEL Method)
Sun is a leading psychological consultant, practitioner and trainer within the field of equine assisted facilitation with specialism’s in executive coaching, psychotraumatology and PTSD.

The IFEEL Method of Equine Facilitated Human Development (EFHD) has been developed by Sun following an extensive 3 year training with Linda Kohanov and Kathleen Barry Ingram MA in Arizona. The IFEEL Method is Sun’s response to her desire to see evidence based equine facilitated practice delivered safely, effectively and professionally considering the needs of both people and horses.

Research Findings

Quantitative evaluation of the impact of the IFEEL Method of Equine Facilitated Pyschotraumatology (EFPT) intervention using the Clinical Outcome in Routine Evaluation Outcome Measure (CORE – OM)
Research Finding

Click to enlarge Research Findings



Quantitative evaluation of the impact of the IFEEL Method of Equine Facilitated Pyschotraumatology (EFPT)

intervention using the Clinical Outcome in Routine Evaluation Outcome Measure (CORE – OM)