As knowledge about the neuroscience of stress disorders increases it is clear that a significant number of high functioning adults have un-diagnosed complex trauma which may include some of the following symptoms: insomnia, avoidance behaviours, OCD traits, interpersonal difficulties, depression, anxiety, addiction, abuse, anger, unresolved grief/bereavement, low confidence & self-esteem, health issues, family, work and relationship difficulties. With treatment these symptoms can be managed or eliminated. Despite the rise in high profile discussions about stress and well-being issues in the public domain, many people continue to live with symptoms that disrupt their general life functioning, their interpersonal relating, and their ability to experience a normal range of healthy core feelings such as satisfaction, contentment, peace and happiness.
We offer a phased, person centred approach to human behaviour change work. The work focus is according to individualised needs according to psychological skills training preferences and goals. We take into account any prior personal or professional development, well-being knowledge and psychological experience. Dovetailed into the person centred approach is our emphasis on shared decision making (SMD) as to the skills training or treatment options selected. SDM research links to improved positive human behaviour change outcomes along with grounded neuro-bio-psycho-social education that IFEEL offers. All IFEEL change work is evaluated using validated psychological assessments and clients are actively involved in tracking their own change outcomes.
The IFEEL Psychological Consultancy is a multidisciplinary service that can provide discreet access to private psychiatrists, GPs and other clinical or medical consultants as required, throughout Europe.
Additionally, IFEEL Method of Equine Facilitated Human Development (EFHD) can be incorporated in part for all change interventions, uniquely offering reflexive neuro-somatic insights into strategic planning and operational functioning of individuals, teams and organisations.
All treatment options utilise evidence based Trauma Focused Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (TF CBT) protocols: Prolonged Exposure (PE); Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT); Imaginal Rescripting & Reprocessing Therapy (IRRT); Narrative Exposure Therapy (NET); Exposure, Relaxation & Rescripting Therapy (ERRT) for post-trauma nightmares; Skills Training in Affective & Interpersonal Regulation (STAIRS); Schema and Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT); Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Interpersonal Therapy (IPT); Brief Eclectic Psychotherapy (BEPP); Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR); Brain Spotting Pyschotherapy (BSP), Gottman Couples Therapy, Complex Family Systems Trauma Therapy (CFSTT), Somatic Experiencing (SE), Sensorimotor Psychotherapy (SP), The IFEEL Method of Equine Facilitated Psychotraumatology (EFPT) and Clinical Supervision (BPS Approved).
Treatment Clinics*
IFEEL Centre: Hale Court Farm House, Beech Green Lane, Withyham, E Sussex, TN7 4DD
FirstLight Trust Office: 34 Grosvenor Gardens, London SW1W 0DH
Europe: treatment can be provided anywhere in Europe.
* Please get in touch to discuss your individual support needs.
Change Interventions
Offering the latest in neuro-scientific techniques as these are evidenced as the most robust human behaviour change models.
Discreet Access
We take into account any prior personal or professional development, well-being knowledge and psychological experience. Dovetailed into the person centred approach is our emphasis on shared decision making (SMD) as to the skills training or treatment options selected.
Offering treatment for depression, mixed depression/anxiety disorders (DMX), dysthymia, cyclothymia & SAD, anxiety, personality disorders, trauma, Complex and single incident PTSD.
Take the first step to getting the support you need.
Clinical Lead
Sun Tui
C-PTSD & Traumatology CCPT-II, IATP, ESTSS Cert. MNCP (Accred), EMDR Assoc.
Director – IFEEL Centre: Psychological Consultancy
CEO – IFEEL Qualifications Ltd: CPD, Supervision, and Degree Level Training
IFEEL Method – Integrated Bio-Psycho-Social Theoretical Frameworks & Equine Centred Ethology
Co-Director – Inspired Change Ltd: Conscious Leadership for Sustainable Organisations
Founder – The Dare to Live Trust Registered Charity Number 1157442
More Information
Services Available*
(inc. but not limited to)
IFEEL Psychological Consultancy
– Individual Professional Development or Clinical Treatment
– 1-day Partners/Family Members Work
– Clinical Assessment & Summary Report
– MSE, Risk, Pyscho Ed & EMDR Regulation & Treatment Plan
– Medical & Legal Reports
– Psychiatrist Consultations
– And more…
Equine Facilitated Human Development (EFHD)
– Personal or Professional Development Open Workshops
– Professional Development Intact Teams
– Organisational Development Consultancy
*A full Menu of Services provided and pricing is available on request.
Office Hours: 10am – 3pm Monday to Friday
Telephone: +44 (0) 1892 770 139
Post: Hale Court Farm House, Beech Green Lane, Withyham, East Sussex, TN7 4DD