This month we talk to Kelly Burley, mother to two small children and busy lawyer on why she decided to pursue a diploma with IFEEL Qualifications.
What were you doing before studying with IFEEL?
I was (and still am) a lawyer working in an investment bank in London.
What made you decide to study at IFEEL?
I was feeling unfulfilled with my career and was looking for something outside work to devote my time and energy to. I did a coaching exercise at a workshop where they asked you what you enjoyed doing as a child. It took me back to spending all my time as a youngster in the presence of horses. After that, I came across an advert for IFEEL Qualifications in Psychologies Magazine and had to find out more – the rest is history!
I was working full time during my first year at IFEEL so one of the key factors in deciding to study with them was the ability to do it on a part-time basis in a way which fitted in with my life (I also have 2 small children so it wouldn’t have been possible to do it any other way).
How was the support throughout the course?
Everyone on the course is assigned a mentor, to support you with any practical, academic or self- development challenges you might be having. During the on-site weeks you work with your mentor in your mentor groups to learn and practice the practical elements. I found her support and insights invaluable throughout the course. Given the nature of what is being learnt there is also an open and constructive environment to be able to voice concerns within the wider faculty group.
Did you know before training that you would want to set up or expand your scope of practice?
Not at all! I actually didn’t have a horse or even access to a horse at the start of the course (about 50% of our group was in a similar position), but was open to the process. By the end of the course I had developed a good relationship with my local stables and now have a horse on loan with them and space to do this work with clients. During the later part of the Level 5 course I separately trained as a life coach, and have now set up my own coaching business. I also decided during the Level 5 course that I wanted to go on to do the Level 6 and qualify as a psychotraumatologist and am now part-way through that stage of the course.
How has training helped with your practice offerings/helped you as a practitioner?
From a self-development perspective it has been invaluable. The Level 5 introduced me to concepts and psychological frameworks which enabled me to gain a deeper understanding of myself, and as a result become more balanced as an individual. It also gave me an excellent groundwork in the scientific methodology, exercises and horsemanship skills, which are essential to doing this work. As a result, I have a good understanding of my growth edges and how to regulate myself, which is vital when working with clients in this field.
What is your area of practice, what clients do you work with and what region of the UK do you work in?
I’m a mental wellbeing and leadership coach, working with stressed out lawyers and professionals to help them gain more balance and calm in their lives. I help them develop new mindsets and habits, to become relaxed, and learn to trust their intuition and bodily wisdom.
Where are you based?
I’m based in Twickenham and work on-site at a stables nearby in Ham.
To find out more about Kelly’s practice visit –